Thursday, August 6, 2009

Two Veggie Pitas

Grilled eggplant....salad? and Hummus.

Eaten with sauteed zucchini, roasted peppers, tomato, lettuce, and whole wheat pitas.

I had previously grilled an eggplant, and I wanted to use it. You just throw the whole thing on a cooler area of the grill until it's collapsed, turning from time to time. Then, when it's cool, you slit it open and scrape the flesh away, leaving behind as much liquid and seeds as possible. It gives the eggplant a great smoky flavor. Often I do this with the plan to make baba ghannouj, but that has a bit too much fat for my current situation, so I improvised a sort of salad with diced tomato, scallions and garlic cooked in a touch of olive oil, lemon, cumin, cilantro and parsley. It was pretty good, if very austere tasting. I miss gratuitous fat! A couple tablespoons of olive oil and the salad would have been sublime.

The rest of the meal is old hat but I still love homemade hummus with vegetables in pita. The bread and hummus were the only things with any significant calories- two pita halves, one with the eggplant and the other with hummus and vegetables weighed in at 335 cals.

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